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Shanghai King-nd Magnet Ua Tsaug Caw Koj Rau TECHNO-FRONTIER 2024

TECHNO-FRONTIER yog qhov kev tshaj lij tshaj lij ntawm ntau qhov chaw hauv Nyij Pooj, txhawb nqa los ntawm Nyiv Lub Zog Rate Association.Lub rooj nthuav qhia nthuav tawm lub ntiaj teb cov cuab yeej siv siab tshaj plaws, cov khoom siv thiab ntau yam khoom siv rau cov neeg tsim khoom ntawm cov motors, machinery, fais fab mov thiab cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab hluav taws xob.Lub rooj nthuav qhia suav nrog kaum qhov, ntawm qhov uas lub tshuab thev naus laus zis tau ua tiav rau 41 ntu;lub hwj chim system ib feem thiab EMC ib feem muaj ntau tshaj 30 xyoo.Ntawm TECHNO-FRONTIER, tseem muaj lub rooj sab laj rau cov neeg tuaj koom nrog kev sib txuas lus nrog cov neeg tuaj saib, rau cov neeg tuaj koom thoob ntiaj teb thiab cov neeg yuav khoom los pauv cov ntaub ntawv kev lag luam tshiab.

[Introduction to the exhibition]
Exhibition Name: TECHNO-FRONTIER 2024
Qhov chaw: Tokyo International Exhibition Field, Nyiv (Tokyo Big Sight)
Exhibition sij hawm: Lub Xya hli ntuj 24-26, 2024 (ib xyoos ib zaug)
Exhibition Organizer: Japan Management Association (JMA)

Shanghai King-Nd Magnet ua tsaug caw koj tuaj xyuas peb lub rooj muag zaub.
Ntawm 1G-19 (East Hall 1)
Daim pib thov link: 9


SHANGHAI KING-ND MAGNET CO., LTD.Founded hauv 2008, lub hauv paus tsim nyob rau hauv Ningbo, lub peev hlau nplaum.Nws yog lub tuam txhab high-tech tshwj xeeb hauv R & D, ntau lawm thiab muag khoom ntawm lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muajNdFeB.NdFeB tau muab tso rau hauv kev tsim khoom hauv xyoo 2008, thiab nws tau tsim cov saw hlau ua tiav los ntawm lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj hlau nplaum ruaj khov rau cov khoom tiav.


Tam sim no, lub tuam txhab tsom mus rau kev lag luam ntawm lub zog tshiab, cov cuab yeej hluav taws xob, kev lag luam automation, motors, sensors, magnetic Cheebtsam thiab lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob, nrog rau kev tsim khoom thiab muag khoom ntawm high, nplua thiab tshwj xeeb sib nqus hlau hauv lwm yam lag luam.Lub tuam txhab muaj cov khoom ua tiav cov saw hlau thiab cov saw hlau ntau lawm thiab tag nrho cov kev ua tau zoo ntawm hom sinteredNdFeB hlau nplaum ruaj khovcov khoom.Nws yog nruab nrog high-precision xeem ntsuas thiab tsis siv neeg thiab semi-automatic ntau lawm kab hauv kev lag luam.Cov thev naus laus zis hauv ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj qhov hnyav, tsis muaj dysprosium thev naus laus zis thiab dysprosium thiab terbium digitizing cov txheej txheem tau nkag mus rau batch thiab ruaj khov.Cov khoom lag luam ruaj khov thiab sib xws tau raug qhuas los ntawm ntau tus neeg siv khoom hauv kev lag luam.Thiab tau dhau ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO14001 thiab lwm yam ntawv pov thawj.


Lub tuam txhab tau teeb tsa ntau lub chaw soj nstuam thiab chav kuaj, cov khoom xeem suav nrog kev ntsuas qhov hnyav, PCT kuaj, Baig kuaj, ntsuas kub thiab av noo siab, ntsuas qhov txias thiab kub, ntsuas tshuaj ntsev, thiab lwm yam. Kev sim kuaj muaj peev xwm suav nrog: Cov khoom siv kuaj kev ua haujlwm, kev txheeb xyuas cov khoom, thiab lwm yam.

Cov khoom siv kuaj thawj zaug thiab cov khoom siv kuaj thiab ntau xyoo ntawm kev lag luam kev paub ntawm cov kws tshaj lij, kev tswj xyuas nruj heev, kev tshuaj xyuas cov txheej txheem thiab kev tswj xyuas kev xa khoom, kev tswj cov txheej txheem ntau lawm, tsim kom muaj cov khoom ruaj khov, cov neeg siv khoom zoo.

Post lub sij hawm: Lub Xya hli ntuj-17-2024